Apex LegendsApex Legends players call out “nightmare” solo queue experience in Season 20Philip Trahan
Apex LegendsApex Legends Rampart mains are loving Legend Challenge unlocks for one reasonPhilip Trahan
Apex LegendsFaZe Clan Apex roster “probably” not sticking together according to Snip3downDeclan Mclaughlin
EntertainmentNICKMERCS claims Apex Legends has “difference in opinion” with him on LGBT issuesTheo Burman
Apex LegendsNICKMERCS’ ALGS team Tripods disbands as streamer falls “out of love” with Apex LegendsJeremy Gan
Apex LegendsNICKMERCS slams “corny” Apex Legends community while discussing quitting ALGSDeclan Mclaughlin