Apex LegendsImperialHal reveals why his Apex Legends superteam joined Falcons instead of DarkZeroConnor Bennett
Apex LegendsImperialHal reveals why his Apex Legends superteam joined Falcons instead of DarkZeroConnor Bennett
Apex LegendsImperialHal & DarkZero core form new Apex Legends “superteam” under Falcon EsportsJeremy Gan
Apex LegendsApex Legends player discovers most common guaranteed weapons in Supply BinsDeclan Mclaughlin
Apex LegendsImperialHal parts ways with TSM’s Apex Legends team after five-year stintDeclan Mclaughlin
Apex LegendsImperialHal criticizes Apex Legends Season 21 as the “exact same” except one thingConnor Bennett
EntertainmentApex Legends YouTuber Thordan Smash assault case dismissed after on-stream arrestCalum Patterson